Curriculum Leader: Mrs S Oliver
The Science department consists of a team of 4 full-time teachers and 2 part-time technicians. Where possible, staff teach predominantly according to their specialism across the key stages.
KS3 Information:
The department currently follows its own scheme of learning which makes extensive use of the Activate and Hodder materials. This integrates the development of scientific skills alongside subject content throughout our teaching schemes.
In Year 7, students are taught in their form groups and in years 7-10 are broadly set according to their previous academic results. Throughout years 7-9 students have 3 hours of Science teaching per week. Most of our students follow a two year Key Stage 3 and commence working on different GCSE Science pathways in Year 9.
Summary of Curriculum Content
Below is a list of the key topics covered for each year group. Further details such as summary sheets, key word lists and practice questions for each topic will be available on the appropriate section of the school VLE.
Year 7
Biology: tissues, reproduction, ecology, genetics.
Chemistry: acids and alkalis, particles, chemical reactions.
Physics: energy, electricity, forces, solar system.
Year 8
Biology: food and digestion, respiration, movement, ecosystems.
Chemistry: solutions, elements, compounds, rock cycle.
Physics: magnetism, light, energy, sound.
GCSE – Separate Science
Introduction to the subject
The separate Science course is designed to offer more challenge and is aimed at the most able students.
During Year 9, 10 and 11 students will study separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Lessons will be with specialist teachers and will consist of a range of practical activities, demonstrations, discussions and written work designed to encourage an enthusiasm for Science as well as prepare students for their examinations.
What will I learn?
GCSE Biology Topics
- Cell biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance, variation and evolution
- Ecology
GCSE Chemistry Topics
- Atomic structure and the periodic table
- Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
- Quantitative chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Energy changes
- The rate and extent of chemical change
- Organic chemistry
- Chemical analysis
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
- Using resources
GCSE Physics Topics
- Forces
- Energy
- Waves
- Electricity
- Magnetism and electromagnetism
- Particle model of matter
- Atomic structure
- Space physics
How will I be assessed?
The Separate Science course is assessed by written examinations in each subject.
Each Subject will have 2 papers: each paper will assess different topics.
Duration: both papers are 1 hour 45 minutes.
Tiers: Foundation and Higher.
Weighting: the papers are equally weighted. Each is worth 50% of the grade and has 100 marks available.
Studying the separate sciences means students will cover more content than GCSE Combined Science. Our new GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses will provide a great preparation for AS and A-level, without overlapping content.
For Further Information:
Please talk to Mrs Oliver, or visit
Useful Links:
Acids and Bases Screencast
Laws of Motion simulations
Bridge Activity
Physics Simulations
Phet Skate Park (Kinetic and potential energy)
Discover how potential and kinetic energy work by building your own skate park obstacle.
Science Spot
How stuff Works EXPRESS
Find out about things that you may have an interest in and want to explore more.
Balancing Equations
Practice balancing equations
Chemistry information
This page will allow students to navigate into periodic tables, balancing equations, types of reactions and much more.
Graph Creator
This allows students to create their own graphs, which may be useful for projects or research assignments.