
Welcome to our transition pages, we are very pleased you are considering becoming part of our school, here you will find details of our transition events which help you and your child to become part of #teamtmws.  If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Miss J Sutton

Head of Year 7

Tour Request form

13 + 2 =

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Below is what our usual transition process would look like.


At The Market Weighton School we wish to see your children happily settled in their new school and to support this we provide a range of activities that take place throughout Year 5 and 6. We believe our relatively small size and ability to get to know all new students quickly allows for a smooth transition into life at their new school.

Autumn Term

Y5/6 Open Evening
An opportunity for parents and children to look around the site and facilities, whilst also attending a talk aimed at parents of future students. In addition to this, there will be members of staff on hand throughout the night to offer advice on Special Education Needs and to answer any specific questions you may have. Department staff from all subjects will also be available to provide curriculum advice and to demonstrate classroom activities.

Head of Year 7 – Q and A Visits
Head of Year 7, Miss Sutton, will be visiting all of the feeder primary schools to give the Year 6 students the chance to ask any burning questions and try and give them an idea of what it is like to be a student at The Market Weighton School

Spring/Summer Term

Y6 Welcome Morning
Students identified by our feeder primary schools will have the opportunity to visit TMWS for a morning to familiarise themselves with the SEN Department, taking part in fun activities aimed at developing confidence. This event is not exclusively for SEN students and primary schools may also identify other individual students who could benefit from this visit.

Y6 Welcome Day
Following on from the SEN morning a small group of students identified by our feeder primary schools will have the opportunity to visit TMWS for the full day. They will meet key staff and have the opportunity to explore the school and meet current students. This event is not exclusively for SEN students and primary schools may also identify other individual students who could benefit from this visit.

3 Day Induction
Your child will spend 3 full days at TMWS, meet their tutor and begin to learn the way around the site. They will also attend lessons, whilst meeting staff and other children in their class. All students will travel to school as they would when they start in the following September to allow them to be familiar with this process so there are no surprises when they start in September! We have had much positive feedback about our 3 day transition from parents and students as they believe it fully prepared them for life as a Year 7 at Market Weighton School.

Parent Information Evening
All Year 6 parents are invited to visit The Market Weighton School for this evening. This will provide you with the opportunity to meet the Headteacher, Head of Year 7, SENCO and your child’s Form Tutor, to discuss any concerns that you or your child may have about the transfer to secondary school. There will also be opportunities to view and order school uniform.

For children with SEND we have published a detailed SEN Transition Booklet which you can see here.



Spring Road, Market Weighton
York, YO43 3JF

School Hours

M-F: 8.40am - 3.10pm

Phone & Email

01430 873450

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