Dear Parents/Carers
TMWS Half Marathon (Walk)
I am pleased to inform you that the annual school walk will take place on Friday 23 September 2016. Should the weather be inclement, the reserve date is Friday 30 September.
The walk provides an important opportunity for all members of the school community to engage in a shared experience, allowing students of different year groups to integrate and for students and teachers to mix in a less formal way. We expect all of our students (unless they have a valid medical reason) to participate.
All junctions will be policed along the route and walkers will be supervised at all times by members of staff. We will outline, in assemblies, the high standards of behaviour that we expect from all of our students during the walk and the importance of respecting the countryside.
As per last year, the money raised will be split equally between four charities (to be selected by each House). 50% will be used to develop/improve areas of the school (selected by the Student Council). Funds raised last year were used to improve the social areas, goalposts for the playground and a chilled water cooler.
Students must bring a packed lunch and a drink. Lunches for those children who normally have a free lunch will be provided. Free school lunches must be ordered via the attached sheet and collected by the student from the canteen on the morning of the school walk. Refreshments will be on sale at Londesborough (first stop).
Students should have with them a waterproof jacket and wear suitable footwear. It is a tradition that Year 11 students wear fancy dress but they must still bring waterproofs and wear suitable footwear.
When students arrive back at school they will be required to sign in. After they have done so they will be released to go home provided we have your consent. Students who will be travelling home by bus should remain on the school site until 3.10 pm.
Students occasionally ask whether they can bring a dog with them on the walk. Unfortunately, for reasons of health and safety, we have to say no.
The return sheet, together with free lunch orders, should be handed into reception by Monday 19 September.
We hope you will support our school half marathon by sponsoring your child and helping us raise as much money as possible.
Yours sincerely
Richard Harrison