Physical Education at TMWS contributes to the overall education of young people, by facilitating learning that leads to success, achievement and provides the opportunity for them to lead full and valuable lives, through engaging in purposeful physical activity.
Through a broad and balanced programme pupils will be taught to be physically active, developing co-ordination, control and body management. They will be involved in problem-solving, communication with others and team-building which can assist developing positive social attitudes and behaviour. Students will be encouraged to understand the importance of a healthy life style through participation in and enjoyment of a variety of activities and environments
KS3 Information:
In Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils participate in 2 hours of Core Physical Education covering a variety of Sports:
Boys | Girls | |
Year 7 | Football, Rugby, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Dodgeball, Athletics, Tennis, Cricket, Frisbee. | Netball, Hockey, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Benchball, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders, Football. |
Year 8 | Football, Rugby, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Dodgeball, Athletics, Tennis, Cricket, Frisbee. | Netball, Hockey, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Benchball, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders, Football. |
Year 9 | Football, Rugby, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Leadership, Dance, Volleyball, Tchoukball, Tennis, Cricket, Athletics. | Netball, Hockey, Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Benchball, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders, Football, Leadership. |
Pupils are assessed throughout each block of work and a summary of performance recorded ahead of moving on to the next sport.
Year 10 & 11 Core Physical Education
Each student will continue to follow two hours of PE a week as part of their core curriculum, maintaining and developing an active healthy lifestyle and lifelong involvement in sport.
In Year 10 and 11, students will follow a ‘Sports Education’ programme introducing roles of leader and official throughout the programme.
Students will learn physical, mental and social skills which hopefully will encourage them to be lifelong participants in sport as a performer, official or volunteer. These include:
- Advanced skills and tactics to outwit opponents
- Communication skills through dance and leadership
- How to perform at maximum ability in fitness and athletics
- Problem solving in games
- To replicate actions in gymnastics and trampolining
- To transfer skills to new activities such as handball, rocketball, Frisbee
- How to lead in leadership and sports education
- Teamwork and cooperation.
Current Year 10 GCSE: Exam Board EDEXCEL
GCSE PE (Edexcel): |
This course gives the student the opportunity to understand how the body’s systems respond and adapt to exercise; the impact exercise has on a body and its contribution towards a healthy, active lifestyle hopefully leading to a lifelong involvement in sport. To this end students will also have the opportunity to improve their practical skills as a performer, coach or official in 4 sporting activities. |
What will I learn? |
The physical, social and mental benefits of participating in sport. The influences and barriers people face to participation and the initiatives to increase participation. How the body systems – skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory – work together to produce human movement. How the body responds in the short term and adapts in the long term to exercise. The benefits and risks of a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will, as a result, understand the contribution that being physically active has on improving the quality of life and so remain, lifelong participants in sport. Develop their performance as a leader, official and/ or performer in 4 sports / activities, chosen from 2 curricular areas. Develop a student’s observational and analytical skills in the practical environment. Allowing them to be aware of the sports and individual needs to effectively plan and perform a 6 week training programme aimed at improving their performance level in one chosen activity. |
How will I be assessed? |
Practical – 60% -Controlled Practical Assessment in Year 11
Made up of: Theory – 40% – a written exam, ( multiple choice, short and long questions – 80 marks) |
Year 10 BTEC Sport: |
The BTEC Sport course is designed to develop sporting knowledge and your capacity to lead and coach students of varying ages. You are not marked on your sporting ability.
All students at TMWS participate in 2 hours of Physical Education per week; some attend after school clubs and represent the school. BTEC Sport provides an extra opportunity to develop an interest in P.E with just a 1 hour exam to complete in Year 10. |
What will I learn? |
Practical Sport Focus on one team sport and one individual sport. How do you perform basic skills? Give teaching points on each skill. Design a leaflet for each sport stating the rules and regulations and also what the role of officials is within that sport. Analyse the performance of professionals and each other within those sports using video technology. The Body in sport Find out How can you get fitter? Leadership Make a difference to younger students Do you have what it takes to be a role model for these younger students?? Fitness Testing |
How will I be assessed? |
BTEC Sport is 75% coursework; there is just one exam worth 25% of the overall grade. You will work from 9 assignments (3 per unit) and they are all assessed in school by your teacher. Only a small percentage of work is sent away to the exam board to ensure marking is accurate.
For each assignment you will receive the grade of PASS (CC), MERIT (BB) or DISTINCTION (AA). These grades build up over the 3 years of the course and give you a final mark in Year 11. The BTEC Sport course is worth the equivalent of 1 GCSE. |
Extra Curricular Activites:
All pupils are encouraged to take part in extra curricular activities at Lunch and after school. Opportunities exist in the following activities amongst others:
Football, Netball, Hockey, Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Dance, Fitness, Badminton.
Where possible fixtures are arranged against other schools.
Next steps
You may continue to study PE at college or university. You may then choose to become follow a career as a sports coach, teacher, or professional sportsperson.