Modern Foreign Languages

Learning a language…

  1. Improves your grasp of English.
  2. Enhances your confidence.
  3. Gives you a wider understanding of world affairs.
  4. Widens your career / job options.
  5. Improves international relations.
  6. Makes travelling easier and more enjoyable.
  7. Connects the world and promotes peace.
  8. Helps you make friends in new countries.
  9. Shows you are open minded and tolerant.
  10. Boosts brain power.


KS3 Information:

Year 7 French or Spanish. Students learn the KS3 curriculum using the Studio or Mira text book.

Year 8: Students also have the opportunity to learn the language which they didn’t start in Year 7.

Exam Board AQA 

The new French GCSE focuses on up to date topics such as mobile technology, social media, cinema, music, French festivals, social issues, the environment, healthy lifestyles, post-16 education and careers. A GCSE language is a qualification wanted by employers in business and industry and you will have a skill which will be useful in adult life. It is increasingly a requirement for entry to the top universities.



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