Dear Parent/Carer
Maths and English Information Session for Year 11 Parents
Wednesday 2 April 2014, 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Without any doubt the English Language and Mathematics examinations which your child is due to sit in the summer will be the most important of their life so far. We all know the importance of doing as well as possible in these two subjects; they are the passport to further education, university, jobs and successfully negotiating modern life.
As the examination series draws closer we would like to provide an opportunity for parents to attend an information session which will ensure that you are fully aware of the key exam dates, revision materials and online resources that are available to help your child in these two subjects. We will also make a short presentation about general revision strategies and give you an opportunity to ask any questions about the forthcoming Maths and English exams.
The session, which will be hosted by Brian Hartington (Director of Maths and Creative Design) and Hazel Beales (Director of Communication and Literacy), will take place on Wednesday 2 April from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
In order that we can host the event in the most suitable venue please fill in the reply slip below and return to the school office by Friday 28 March.
Yours faithfully
Gavin Chappell
Hazel Beales
Director of Progress
Communication and Literacy
Brian Hartington
Director of Progress
Maths and Creative Design