18th September 2017
Dear Parent/Carer
TMWS Year 11 IAG Progression Event (4.30-6.30)/Year 11 Subject Parents Evening 1 (4.30-7.00) – Tuesday 3rd October 2017
I am writing to invite you to the TMWS Year 11 Progression Event on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 from 4.30-6.30 in the School Hall. This is an annual event which is very successful in providing our Year 11 pupils/parents with access to IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) from Post-16 providers in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. The aim of the event is to provide the necessary information to enable our current Year 11 pupils to make informed decisions about their direction from September 2018. The application process begins in earnest over the next 2 months and as such this is a very important event.
The following providers have already confirmed their intention to host a stall in our main Hall area during this event and also in attendance will be our Learning Mentors (Ms Joshi and Mrs McCall) and members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team:
- East Riding College
- York College
- South Hunsley Sixth Form
- Beverley Joint Sixth Form
- Selby College
- Army, Navy and RAF
- HETA/East Riding Council Apprenticeships
- Hull College (Also Hull College Training – Apprenticeships)
- Wyke College
- Bishop Burton College
- Access to Music
We have also decided to use this opportunity to invite you and your child to attend meetings with their subject teachers on the same evening (4.30-7.00). This will be an extra opportunity for feedback as well as the second Year 11 Parent’s Evening on Wednesday 24th January 2018. Students or parents should use e-praise to book appointments with the teachers you would like to meet. Please prioritise the Progression Event as this ends at 6.30 and the parents evening continues until 7.00
I look forward to seeing all Year 11 pupils and parents/carers during this key event.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P J Ollett
Assistant Headteacher