Sports Day – Monday 4 July 2016
Personal Development Day: Tuesday 5 July 2016
Dear Parents/Carers
I would like to inform you of a change to our timetable next week.
Sports Day is on Monday 4 July for the whole day and students must attend school in full TMWS PE kit. There will be a tuck shop available during the day selling drinks and snacks. Please ensure your child brings a hat and sun cream with them. However, if the weather is inclement, the reserve date is Friday 8 July. A notification text will be sent if this event is postponed.
The last Personal Development Day of this academic year is on Tuesday 5 July. The school day will be collapsed to allow students to experience different activities as follows:
Students in Year 7 will be working in the English department covering work based on their study book ‘Wonder’, apart from 7KW who are on a farm visit.
Students in Year 8 will be working with Barclays People Skills looking at ethos and respect.
Students in Year 9 will learn about road safety with Barclays Work Skills and will have the opportunity to sit in an ICAR (a car crash simulator used to raise awareness of road safety for young drivers).
Students in Year 10 not on Work Experience will visit Selby College for a taster day.
We thank you for your support and look forward to an exciting two days!
Yours sincerely
Jason Poulston
Assistant Headteacher