Dear Parent/Carer
Ofsted Report
As you will be aware, we were recently inspected by Ofsted. This was our first inspection since the school came out of special measures in 2012 and the inspectors have recognised that we are continuing to improve as a school and that we have put many positive developments in place. We have more to do, however, before we can be judged good under the new Ofsted criteria. This means that we have been told that we are a school which “requires improvement”. The team recognised:
- that rates of progress are improving across all year groups;
- that the quality of teaching is improving;
- exam results are set to rise further;
- catch-up programmes are effective;
- support for SEN students is good;
- there are good opportunities for students to apply reading and writing across the curriculum;
- the school’s work to keep pupils safe and secure is good;
- leaders at all levels are driving improvement effectively.
The report also makes clear what we need to do to improve further:
- reduce variability in the quality of marking;
- improve standards of presentation;
- ensure some teachers deal with low-level disruption more promptly;
- ensure work is challenging for all so that more lower and higher ability students make good (that is 4 levels of) progress.
Importantly, the team judged that our leadership, management and governance are good. This means that the inspectors have confidence in the leadership team of the school to continue to implement the developments required to ensure further improvement and to meet the targets set by Ofsted. We will, of course, be working very hard on behalf of all of our students in order to do so. If you would like to read the full report it is available on our website.
Strike – Thursday 10 July
I wrote last week to inform you that there is a national strike on Thursday 10 July. The school will, however, be open to Years, 7, 8 and 9 all day. Year 10 will attend East Riding College in the morning but we cannot accommodate them on site in the afternoon and therefore request that arrangements are made for them to go home at lunchtime. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely
Gavin Chappell