House Charities

Each year our school selects 4 Charities, each house will then spend the year raising money for their chosen charity, this takes the form of the Annual School Walk, and donations of the epraise points children earn in lessons for going above and beyond expectations.  These points are converted into a monetary donation at the end of the year. 

Burlington House Charity

Founded in 1962, NAS are the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. Our goal is to help transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people. Please join us or get involved or make a donation today. You’ll be helping some of the 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. Thank you.

Langdale House Charity 

Dementia is not a natural part of ageing It’s caused by physical diseases, most commonly Alzheimer’s. The damage to a brain with Alzheimer’s can leave it weighing 140g less than a healthy one. That’s about the weight of an orange. But this shows that Alzheimer’s is a physical disease. And through research, we know diseases can be slowed. They can be stopped. At Alzheimer’s Research UK, we believe research can change the future. But to help us get there sooner, we must change the conversation about dementia.

Londesborough House Charity

Together we’re stronger We’re the MS Society, we’re a community of people living with MS, researchers, fundraisers, campaigners and volunteers. We know together we’re strong enough to stop MS.

Wicstun House Charity

Greenpeace is a movement of people who are passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. Our vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come. We are independent. We don’t accept any funding from governments, corporations or political parties – our work is funded by ordinary people. That means we are free to confront governments and corporations responsible for the destruction of the natural world and push for real change.


Spring Road, Market Weighton
York, YO43 3JF

School Hours

M-F: 8.40am - 3.10pm

Phone & Email

01430 873450

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